Rural Renaissance

Transformation that lasts from one generation to the next


Our work with women and rural communities has created opportunities to transform stranded India. Rural women begin to believe that a better life is possible and become more involved in decision-making. The impact is evident in reduced poverty, stable incomes, improved health and education, the emergence of agri-entrepreneurs and increased rural employment. This transformation lasts from one generation to the next, making it truly regenerative.

Independent assessment show gains on adoption of IYCF practices – 3 ANC visits and breastfeeding for 6 months, food diversity, use of toilets; access to health & nutrition services, marked increase in student attendance, increased teacher’s presence in schools, and improvements on retention and transition. Productivity and income show a 37% increase in HHs with gross annual income greater than INR 1,00,000.

Stories from the field

Stories from the field

Vashni is a part of a self-help group in her village in Madhya Pradesh. As part of a government program to encourage livelihoods, TRI was able to help her get black hens, which are of high value in the poultry industry. Demand for the local black breed, Kadaknath, has surged in recent years as it’s valued for its low-fat, high protein content as well as its medicinal properties.

Vashni Dalia Bamaniya, Sutrati village


Youth Engagement

34 youth hubs established

109 sarathis (volunteers who lead change)

9,213 youth who have access to mentors

5,109 youth counselled

1,311 youth employed

100 entrepreneurs launched

Farm Prosperity

66,958 households visited

176 agri-entrepreneurs promoted

58 millionaire farmers

Primary Education

1,421 learning centres

2,201 community volunteers

26,644 children engaged in learning

17,883 parents engaged in child’s learning process

Health & Nutrition Indicators

up to 50%  increased immunisation

74%  increase in institutional birth deliveries

up to 96% increase in service enrollment

19,474 expectant mothers and children linked with essential health services