Jharkhand News: TRI to hold panel discussion on evolving rural aspirations in Ranchi on Aug 2

Jamshedpur, July 29: Transform Rural India (TRI) will hold the fourth edition of India Rural Colloquy, a conversation that sparks real, actionable ideas and solutions to bring about a rural renaissance.
Climate: भारत में प्रतिकूल जलवायु की घटनाओं से प्रभावित हुए 80 फीसदी किसान, कई फसलों की बुआई में देरी

पिछले पांच वर्षों में प्रतिकूल जलवायु की घटनाओं के कारण भारत में 80 प्रतिशत किसानों को फसलों का नुकसान हुआ है। रिपोर्ट में दावा किया गया है कि कई राज्यों में कई तरह की फसलों की बुआई में देरी आई है। फोरम ऑफ एंटरप्राइजेज फॉर इक्विटेबल डेवलपमेंट (एफईईडी) की ओर से मंगलवार को जारी रिपोर्ट […]
80% of marginal farmers in India affected by adverse climatic events: Report

New Delhi: A staggering 80 per cent of marginal farmers in India have suffered crop losses due to adverse climatic events over the past five years, according to a report released on Tuesday.
80% of marginal farmers in India affected by adverse climatic events: Report

A staggering 80 per cent of marginal farmers in India have suffered crop losses due to adverse climatic events over the past five years, according to a report released on Tuesday. The survey, conducted by the Forum of Enterprises for Equitable Development (FEED) in collaboration with the Development Intelligence Unit (DIU), included 6,615 farmers across […]
सूखा-बेमौसम बारिश और मॉनसून की बदलती चाल, 80% सीमांत किसान झेल रहे जलवायु परिवर्तन की मार

जलवायु परिवर्तन की वजह से मौसम में लगातार बदलाव देखने को मिल रहे हैं, जिसका सीधा असर देश के किसानों पर भी पड़ रहा है. एक रिपोर्ट के अनुसार, पिछले पांच वर्षों में प्रतिकूल जलवायु घटनाओं के कारण भारत में 80 प्रतिशत सीमांत किसानों को फसल का नुकसान उठाना पड़ा है. फोरम ऑफ एंटरप्राइजेज फॉर […]
More than 50% marginal farmers reported losing crops due to extreme weather

More than 50 per cent of marginal farmers reported losing at least half of their standing crops due to extreme weather conditions, according to a recent survey. Extreme weather events include excessive or unseasonal rains, prolonged winter conditions, droughts, and floods. The findings are part of the second Annual Survey on the ‘State of Marginal […]
Extreme weather, erratic rain hurt marginal farmers: Report

Smallholder farmers in India are reporting crop losses due to erratic and extreme rainfall induced partly by climate change, according to a report by Forum of Enterprises for Equitable Development, an independent non-profit and Development Intelligence Unit. Nearly 50% of rice and wheat farmers surveyed for the analysis reported crop loss due to the last […]
Climate: भारत में प्रतिकूल जलवायु की घटनाओं से प्रभावित हुए 80 फीसदी किसान, कई फसलों की बुआई में देरी

पिछले पांच वर्षों में प्रतिकूल जलवायु की घटनाओं के कारण भारत में 80 प्रतिशत किसानों को फसलों का नुकसान हुआ है। रिपोर्ट में दावा किया गया है कि कई राज्यों में कई तरह की फसलों की बुआई में देरी आई है। फोरम ऑफ एंटरप्राइजेज फॉर इक्विटेबल डेवलपमेंट (एफईईडी) की ओर से मंगलवार को जारी रिपोर्ट […]
Climate change hit small farmers in five years

NEW DELHI: A report released by the Forum of Enterprises for Equitable Development (FEED) in collaboration with the Development Intelligence Unit (DIU) says that climate change-induced extreme weather events in the last five years have impacted over 60% of marginal farmers in the form of crop and yield losses. The report quoting the farmers claims […]
Over 60% of marginal farmers suffer crop losses due to extreme weather, study reveals

Over 60 per cent of marginal farmers have faced significant crop losses due to extreme weather events in the past five years, with more than half reporting severe impacts such as yield loss, according to a study. The study also found that one out of five respondents stated they had not witnessed extreme weather events […]
80% of marginal farmers in India affected by adverse climatic events: Report

New Delhi, Jun 25 (PTI) A staggering 80 per cent of marginal farmers in India have suffered crop losses due to adverse climatic events over the past five years, according to a report released on Tuesday. The survey, conducted by the Forum of Enterprises for Equitable Development (FEED) in collaboration with the Development Intelligence Unit […]
Over 60 per cent of Indian marginal farmers affected in last 5 years due to extreme weather events

Extreme weather events like droughts and excessive rains led to significant crop losses to over 60 per cent of marginal farmers in India, in the last five years, revealed a report on Tuesday calling for actions on climate change. The report, by the Forum of Enterprises for Equitable Development (FEED) and the Development Intelligence Unit […]
Extreme weather events in last 5 years affected over 60 per cent of Indian marginal farmers: Report

The report, by the Forum of Enterprises for Equitable Development (FEED) and the Development Intelligence Unit (DIU), is based on a survey involving 6,615 respondents across 20 major states in India. It showed that 40.9 per cent of farmers have experienced droughts, while 32.6 per cent have faced excessive rains, leading to significant crop losses. […]
80 pc of marginal farmers in India affected by adverse climatic events: Report

New Delhi, June 25 — A staggering 80 per cent of marginal farmers in India have suffered crop losses due to adverse climatic events over the past five years, according to a report released on Tuesday. The survey, conducted by the Forum of Enterprises for Equitable Development (FEED) in collaboration with the Development Intelligence Unit […]
80 of marginal farmers in India affected by adverse climatic events Report

New Delhi, Jun 25 (PTI) A staggering 80 per cent of marginal farmers in India have suffered crop losses due to adverse climatic events over the past five years, according to a report released on Tuesday. The survey, conducted by the Forum of Enterprises for Equitable Development (FEED) in collaboration with the Development Intelligence Unit […]
80% Of Marginal Farmers In India Affected By Adverse Climatic Events: Report

The survey, conducted by the Forum of Enterprises for Equitable Development (FEED) in collaboration with the Development Intelligence Unit (DIU), included 6,615 farmers across 21 states. The findings reveal that the primary causes of crop damage were drought (41 per cent), irregular rainfall including excessive or non-seasonal rains (32 per cent), and early withdrawal or […]
Adverse climatic events affected 80% of marginal farmers in India

New Delhi: A staggering 80 per cent of marginal farmers in India have suffered crop losses due to adverse climatic events over the past five years, according to a report released on Tuesday. The survey, conducted by the Forum of Enterprises for Equitable Development (FEED) in collaboration with the Development Intelligence Unit (DIU), included 6,615 […]
80% of marginal farmers in the country are facing the brunt of climate change, they lose standing crops – India TV Hindi

last 80 per cent of marginal farmers in India have suffered crop losses due to adverse climate events in the last five years, according to a report released on Tuesday. The survey, conducted by the Forum of Enterprises for Equitable Development (FEED) in collaboration with the Development Intelligence Unit (DIU), covered 6,615 farmers across 21 […]
भारत में 80 प्रतिशत सीमांत किसान प्रतिकूल जलवायु से प्रभावित : रिपोर्ट

भारत में 80 प्रतिशत सीमांत किसान प्रतिकूल जलवायु से प्रभावित : रिपोर्टरिपोर्ट के अनुसार, सर्वेक्षण में शामिल लगभग 43 प्रतिशत किसानों ने अपनी खड़ी फसलों का कम से कम आधा हिस्सा गंवा दिया. असमान वर्षा से चावल, सब्जियां और दालें विशेष रूप से प्रभावित हुईं. उत्तरी राज्यों में, धान के खेत अक्सर एक सप्ताह से […]
80% of marginal farmers in India affected by adverse climatic events: Report

New Delhi: A staggering 80 per cent of marginal farmers in India have suffered crop losses due to adverse climatic events over the past five years, according to a report released on Tuesday. The survey, conducted by the Forum of Enterprises for Equitable Development (FEED) in collaboration with the Development Intelligence Unit (DIU), included 6,615 […]
भारत में 80 प्रतिशत सीमांत किसान प्रतिकूल जलवायु से प्रभावित : रिपोर्ट

नयी दिल्ली, 25 जून (भाषा) पिछले पांच वर्षों में प्रतिकूल जलवायु घटनाओं के कारण भारत में 80 प्रतिशत सीमांत किसानों को फसल का नुकसान उठाना पड़ा है। मंगलवार को जारी एक रिपोर्ट में यह जानकारी दी गई है। डेवलपमेंट इंटेलिजेंस यूनिट (डीआईयू) के सहयोग से फोरम ऑफ एंटरप्राइजेज फॉर इक्विटेबल डेवलपमेंट (एफईईडी) द्वारा किए गए […]
भारत में 80 प्रतिशत सीमांत किसान प्रतिकूल जलवायु से प्रभावित : रिपोर्ट

नयी दिल्ली: 25 जून (भाषा) पिछले पांच वर्षों में प्रतिकूल जलवायु घटनाओं के कारण भारत में 80 प्रतिशत सीमांत किसानों को फसल का नुकसान उठाना पड़ा है। मंगलवार को जारी एक रिपोर्ट में यह जानकारी दी गई है। डेवलपमेंट इंटेलिजेंस यूनिट (डीआईयू) के सहयोग से फोरम ऑफ एंटरप्राइजेज फॉर इक्विटेबल डेवलपमेंट (एफईईडी) द्वारा किए गए […]
जरुरी जानकारी | भारत में 80 प्रतिशत सीमांत किसान प्रतिकूल जलवायु से प्रभावित : रिपोर्ट

नयी दिल्ली, 25 जून पिछले पांच वर्षों में प्रतिकूल जलवायु घटनाओं के कारण भारत में 80 प्रतिशत सीमांत किसानों को फसल का नुकसान उठाना पड़ा है। मंगलवार को जारी एक रिपोर्ट में यह जानकारी दी गई है। डेवलपमेंट इंटेलिजेंस यूनिट (डीआईयू) के सहयोग से फोरम ऑफ एंटरप्राइजेज फॉर इक्विटेबल डेवलपमेंट (एफईईडी) द्वारा किए गए सर्वेक्षण […]
80% of marginal farmers in India affected by adverse climatic events: Report

A staggering 80 per cent of marginal farmers in India have suffered crop losses due to adverse climatic events over the past five years, according to a report released on Tuesday. The survey, conducted by the Forum of Enterprises for Equitable Development (FEED) in collaboration with the Development Intelligence Unit (DIU), included 6,615 farmers across […]
80% of marginal farmers in India affected by adverse climatic events: Report

New Delhi: A staggering 80 per cent of marginal farmers in India have suffered crop losses due to adverse climatic events over the past five years, according to a report released on Tuesday. The survey, conducted by the Forum of Enterprises for Equitable Development (FEED) in collaboration with the Development Intelligence Unit (DIU), included 6,615 […]
Climate Crisis Hits Home: 80% of Indian Farmers Face Disaster

New Delhi, Jun 25: A staggering 80 per cent of marginal farmers in India have suffered crop losses due to adverse climatic events over the past five years, according to a report released on Tuesday. The survey, conducted by the Forum of Enterprises for Equitable Development (FEED) in collaboration with the Development Intelligence Unit (DIU), […]
80% of marginal farmers in India affected by adverse climatic events: Report

New Delhi, Jun 25 (PTI) A staggering 80 per cent of marginal farmers in India have suffered crop losses due to adverse climatic events over the past five years, according to a report released on Tuesday. The survey, conducted by the Forum of Enterprises for Equitable Development (FEED) in collaboration with the Development Intelligence Unit […]
भारत में 80 प्रतिशत सीमांत किसान प्रतिकूल जलवायु से प्रभावित : रिपोर्ट

नयी दिल्ली, 25 जून (भाषा) पिछले पांच वर्षों में प्रतिकूल जलवायु घटनाओं के कारण भारत में 80 प्रतिशत सीमांत किसानों को फसल का नुकसान उठाना पड़ा है। मंगलवार को जारी एक रिपोर्ट में यह जानकारी दी गई है। डेवलपमेंट इंटेलिजेंस यूनिट (डीआईयू) के सहयोग से फोरम ऑफ एंटरप्राइजेज फॉर इक्विटेबल डेवलपमेंट (एफईईडी) द्वारा किए गए […]
देश में 80% सीमांत किसान झेल रहे जलवायु परिवर्तन की मार, गंवा देते हैं खड़ी फसलें, देखिए सर्वे के ये आंकड़े

पिछले पांच वर्षों में प्रतिकूल जलवायु घटनाओं के कारण भारत में 80 फीसदी सीमांत किसानों को फसल का नुकसान उठाना पड़ा है। मंगलवार को जारी एक रिपोर्ट में यह जानकारी दी गई है। डेवलपमेंट इंटेलिजेंस यूनिट (DIU) के सहयोग से फोरम ऑफ एंटरप्राइजेज फॉर इक्विटेबल डेवलपमेंट (FEED) द्वारा किए गए सर्वे में 21 राज्यों के […]
In charts: The toll of climate crisis on India’s marginal farmers

As erratic weather disrupts livelihoods at alarming frequency, Indian farmers are facing a big brunt, especially those with limited landholdings. In a survey held in April, 80% of marginal farmers—those who own less than one hectare of farm land—said their villages had suffered one or the other extreme weather event in the past five years. […]
Rain-related events hurting India’s marginal farmers more than extreme heat: Survey

In the past five years, rain-related events hurting India’s marginal farmers more significantly than other adverse weather conditions, particularly extreme heat, according to the State of Marginal Farmers of India 2024 report published on Friday. The report, brought out by the research and advocacy group Forum of Enterprises for Equitable Development and the Development Intelligence […]
सीमांत किसानों पर पड़ी मौसम की मार, आधी खड़ी फसलें हुई बर्बाद

भारत के 50 प्रतिशत से ज्यादा सीमांत किसानों की कम से कम आधी खड़ी फसलें मौसम की उग्र स्थिति के कारण खराब हो गई हैं। एक ताजा सर्वे में यह सामने आया है। मौसम की उग्र स्थिति में बहुत ज्यादा या बेमौसम बारिश, लंबे समय तक चली जाड़े की स्थिति, सूखा और बाढ़ शामिल है। […]
Crop Losses of Marginal Farmers In India Hit 80% Due To Climate Change: Report

A staggering 80% of marginal farmers in India have suffered crop losses due to adverse climatic events over the past five years, according to a report released on Tuesday. The survey, conducted by the Forum of Enterprises for Equitable Development (FEED) in collaboration with the Development Intelligence Unit (DIU), included 6,615 farmers across 21 states. […]
80 Per Cent Of Marginal Farmers In India Affected By Adverse Climatic Events: Report

New Delhi: A staggering 80 per cent of marginal farmers in India have suffered crop losses due to adverse climatic events over the past five years, according to a report released on Tuesday (June 25). The survey, conducted by the Forum of Enterprises for Equitable Development (FEED) in collaboration with the Development Intelligence Unit (DIU), […]
Climate Change Devastates India’s Marginal Farmers

Astaggering 80 per cent of marginal farmers in India have suffered crop losses due to adverse climatic events over the past five years, according to a report released on Tuesday. The survey, conducted by the Forum of Enterprises for Equitable Development (FEED) in collaboration with the Development Intelligence Unit (DIU), included 6,615 farmers across 21 […]
Extreme Weather Events In Last 5 Years Affected Over 60 Per Cent Of Indian Marginal Farmers: Report

The report, by the Forum of Enterprises for Equitable Development (FEED) and the Development Intelligence Unit (DIU), is based on a survey involving 6,615 respondents across 20 major states in India. It showed that 40.9 per cent of farmers have experienced droughts, while 32.6 per cent have faced excessive rains, leading to significant crop losses. […]
Extreme weather events in last 5 years affected over 60 per cent of Indian marginal farmers: Report

The report, by the Forum of Enterprises for Equitable Development (FEED) and the Development Intelligence Unit (DIU), is based on a survey involving 6,615 respondents across 20 major states in India. It showed that 40.9 per cent of farmers have experienced droughts, while 32.6 per cent have faced excessive rains, leading to significant crop losses. […]
Extreme Weather Events In Last 5 Years Affected Over 60 Per Cent Of Indian Marginal Farmers: Report

The report, by the Forum of Enterprises for Equitable Development (FEED) and the Development Intelligence Unit (DIU), is based on a survey involving 6,615 respondents across 20 major states in India. It showed that 40.9 per cent of farmers have experienced droughts, while 32.6 per cent have faced excessive rains, leading to significant crop losses. […]
Extreme weather events in last 5 years affected over 60 per cent of Indian marginal farmers: Report

New Delhi, June 25 (SocialNews.XYZ) Extreme weather events like droughts and excessive rains led to significant crop losses to over 60 per cent of marginal farmers in India, in the last five years, revealed a report on Tuesday calling for actions on climate change. The report, by the Forum of Enterprises for Equitable Development (FEED) […]
Extreme weather events in last 5 years affected over 60 per cent of Indian marginal farmers: Report

New Delhi, June 25 (IANS) Extreme weather events like droughts and excessive rains led to significant crop losses to over 60 per cent of marginal farmers in India, in the last five years, revealed a report on Tuesday calling for actions on climate change. The report, by the Forum of Enterprises for Equitable Development (FEED) […]
Solar energy brings a shining solution for Assam’s villagers

Bradeswar Rabha is a small farmer who cultivates bananas in his backyard in Muduki village of Assam. His income of Rs 1.50 lakh per year from banana farming was not sufficient to meet the needs of his family. Rabha set up a solar-powered lok seva kendra (LSK) as a secondary source of income. He now […]
Ensuring Food & Nutrition Security: Water-smart Ragi farming in Jharkhand transforming agri-food system

Around 40 women are sitting in a sprawling metal sheeted hall, wearing disposable hair cover and gloves preparing Ragi ladoo diligently in the Gumla Ragi Processing Centre. Large coolers are trying to keep the heat under control as there is scorching heat with temperatures soaring to 40 C. The Ragi center is run by 5,000 […]
National Stock Exchange celebrates first 5 listings on NSE-SSE

Srinagar, Mar 15: The Social Stock Exchange (SSE) of the National Stock Exchange (NSE) achieves yet another milestone of celebrating its first five listings on the NSE-Social Stock Exchange (SSE) Platform – by Swami Vivekananda Youth Movement (SVYM), Transform Rural India, Mukti, Ekalavya Foundation; and SGBS Unnati Foundation. This remarkable event took place at the […]
National Stock Exchange celebrates first 5 listings on NSE-SSE

SRINAGAR: The Social Stock Exchange (SSE) of the National Stock Exchange (NSE) achieves yet another milestone of celebrating its first five listings on the NSE-Social Stock Exchange (SSE) Platform – by Swami Vivekananda Youth Movement (SVYM), Transform Rural India, Mukti, Ekalavya Foundation; and SGBS Unnati Foundation. This remarkable event took place at the National Stock […]
National Stock Exchange (NSE) Celebrates First 5 Living on NSE-SSE

National Stock Exchange (NSE) Celebrates First 5 Listings on NSE-SSE

The Social Stock Exchange (SSE) of the National Stock Exchange (NSE) achieves yet another milestone of celebrating its first five listings on the NSE-Social Stock Exchange (SSE) Platform – by Swami Vivekananda Youth Movement (SVYM), Transform Rural India, Mukti, Ekalavya Foundation; and SGBS Unnati Foundation. This remarkable event took place at the National Stock Exchange’s […]
WOMEN’S DAY SPECIAL Blog: Can Rural Health Investments In India Empower Women To Shape Their Own Destinies?

Rumi harboured dreams from her student days, envisioning a future filled with continuous learning and exploring her passions. However, her family had a different trajectory in mind for her – one marked by marriage, caring for an unchosen husband, and raising children. Her journey unfolded as a struggle, lacking celebration from those in her immediate […]
Five women who are unleashing ripples of positive change in rural India

पांच महिलाएं जो ग्रामीण भारत में सकारात्मक बदलाव की लहर फैला रही हैं अंतर्राष्ट्रीय महिला दिवस पर, इन पथप्रदर्शकों के बारे में जानें जो पानी की कमी, लैंगिक असमानता से लेकर समावेशी विकास जैसे मुद्दों को संबोधित करके जमीनी स्तर पर बदलाव ला रही हैं फरवरी 2024 में 11 साल के अंतराल के बाद, केंद्रीय […]
Meet five women sparking transformation in rural India

Following an 11-year interlude, in February 2024, the (NSSO), under the Union Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation, unveiled data on National Household Consumption Expenditure. This data spotlighted the stark disparity between the wealthiest and the most impoverished in India, revealing that the monthly per capita consumption expenditure (MPCE) for the bottom five percent of […]
Five Women Who Are Unleashing Ripples Of Positive Change In Rural India

On International Women’s Day, celebrate these pathbreakers who are making a difference at the grassroots level by addressing issues ranging from water scarcity, gender inequality to inclusive development After a gap of 11 years in February 2024, the National Sample Survey Office (NSSO) under the aegis of the Union Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation […]
Five women who are unleashing ripples of positive change in rural India

On International Women’s Day, celebrate these pathbreakers who are making a difference at the grassroots level by addressing issues ranging from water scarcity, gender inequality to inclusive development_ After a gap of 11 years in February 2024, the National Sample Survey Office (NSSO) under the aegis of the Union Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation […]
5 women who are unleashing ripples of positive change in rural India

After a gap of 11 years in February 2024, the National Sample Survey Office (NSSO) under the aegis of the Union Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation released data on national household consumption expenditure. It also threw light upon the gaping divide between the richest and the poorest in India and revealed that the average […]
Transform Rural India’s Youth Empower Bond Opens on Social Stock Exchange

Transform Rural India (TRI), a non-profit organisation striving to provide equal opportunities to rural citizens by designing scalable and grounded solutions, announced the issuance of the Youth Empower Bond through the Social Stock Exchange (SSE) on February 21. The offering of TRI Bonds will provide investors with the opportunity to purchase these Zero Coupon Zero […]
From Migrant Worker To Successful Woman Entrepreneur: Bhuri Singad From MP Is Now A Source Of Employment For Many

Women’s Day Special Series: Many reach the pinnacle of success in their lives, but a few make it a story to inspire others. One such story is that of Bhuri Singad, a 39-year-old small-scale entrepreneur in Madhya Pradesh, who defied numerous odds, including the lack of educational qualifications to embark on a transformative journey. As part […]
An Elephant on the Loom in River Island Majuli

Aparadox surfaces in a serene enclave of Majuli, the sprawling river island on the Brahmaputra in Assam. The women of the Mishing tribe, whose farms on the chaporis face relentless raids by wild elephants, weave intricate motifs of the modern-day mammoths onto gamochas. This heirloom, deeply embedded in Assam’s tradition, serves as a versatile cloth–from […]
Rural Design In Climate Action Matters

TRI partners with Govt. of Jharkhand to link over 1 lakh women farmers under MGNREGS with the global carbon market

Transform Rural India, TRI, in collaboration with Intellecap and ACORN (Rabobank), has launched a pioneering Carbon Credit Finance Project benefiting over 100,000 farmers in Jharkhand. This comes with no risk to the farmers or any required investment from them or the government. The project is founded on the principle of fair payment to farmers, wherein […]
Mariyam Tudu, Woman Farmer From Jharkhand, Changes Lives Of Women In Her Village, Here’s How

New Delhi: As India is observing National Farmers Day on December 23, 2024, it is essential to acknowledge the resilience and grit of women farmers of the country. As the NSSO’s Periodic Labour Force Survey (2022) say, nearly 63% of agricultural workers nationwide are female. They form the backbone of rural economies when male family […]
Tackling Sickle cell Anaemia in Jharkhand’s Tribal Communities

Mountain women live and work with bent backs

Durga Devi deftly digs up a fistful of rice saplings and transplants them on to an empty space in the pliable soil. As her hands work without a pause, so does her tongue. She chatters non-stop with Chandrakala Devi, her sister-in-law, who is transplanting rice in another corner of their field. They talk about their […]
Mountain women live and work with bent backs

Durga Devi deftly digs up a fistful of rice saplings and transplants them on to an empty space in the pliable soil. As her hands work without a pause, so does her tongue. She chatters non-stop with Chandrakala Devi, her sister-in-law, who is transplanting rice in another corner of their field. They talk about their […]
वॉलमार्ट फाउंडेशन ‘ट्रांसफॉर्म रूरल इंडिया फाउंडेशन’ को 12 लाख अमेरिकी डॉलर का देगा अनुदान

वॉलमार्ट फाउंडेशन ने ‘ट्रांसफॉर्म रूरल इंडिया फाउंडेशन’ को 12 लाख अमेरिकी डॉलर (करीब 10 करोड़ रुपये) का अनुदान देने की बृहस्पतिवार को घोषणा की। उत्तर प्रदेश में 15,000 महिला ग्रामीण किसानों की औसत आधार आय बढ़ाने व उनकी आजीविका में सुधार करने के लिए इस अनुदान का इस्तेमाल किया जाएगा। फाउंडेशन की ओर से जारी […]
Walmart Foundation Launches $1.2 Million Grant For Transform Rural India To Improve Livelihoods Of Women Farmers

The Walmart Foundation announced a grant of $1.2 million for the Transform Rural India Foundation on Thursday to help improve the livelihoods of 15,000 women rural farmers in Uttar Pradesh by boosting their average base income. The grant will be utilised as a part of a two-year project and will focus on developing ten self-sustainable […]
Climate Change Hits Women’s Health Harder. Activists Want Leaders to Address it at COP28

NEW DELHI (AP) — Manju Devi suffered in pain for two months last year as she worked on a farm near Delhi, unable to break away from duties that sometimes had her standing for hours in the waist-deep water of a rice paddy, lifting heavy loads in intense heat and spraying pesticides and insecticides. When […]
Walmart Basis publicizes USD 1.2 mn grant to Rework Rural India

NEW DELHI, Nov 30: Walmart Basis on Thursday introduced a grant of USD 1.2 million (practically Rs 10 crore) to the Rework Rural India Basis to help enhancing livelihoods of 15,000 girls rural farmers in Uttar Pradesh by rising their common base revenue. The grant will likely be utilized in a two-year undertaking that may […]
Walmart announces $1.2mn grant to Transform Rural India Foundation

Walmart Foundation on November 30 announced a grant of $1.2 million (nearly ₹10 crore) to the Transform Rural India Foundation (TRIF) to aid improving livelihoods of 15,000 women rural farmers in Uttar Pradesh by increasing their average base income.
Walmart Foundation announces $1.2 million grant to transform Rural India

Walmart Foundation on Thursday announced a grant of $1.2 million (nearly Rs 10 crore) to the Transform Rural India Foundation to aid improving livelihoods of 15,000 women rural farmers in Uttar Pradesh by increasing their average base income. The grant will be used in a two-year project that will primarily focus on creating ten self-sustainable […]
വനിതാ കര്ഷകരുടെ കൈപിടിച്ച് വാള്മാര്ട്ട് ഫൗണ്ടേഷന്

വനിതാ കര്ഷകരുടെ ശരാശരി അടിസ്ഥാന വരുമാനം വര്ധിപ്പിച്ച് അവരുടെ ഉപജീവനമാര്ഗം മെച്ചപ്പെടുത്തുന്നതിനായി ട്രാന്സ്ഫോം റൂറല് ഇന്ത്യ ഫൗണ്ടേഷന് വാള്മാര്ട്ട് ഫൗണ്ടേഷന് 1.2 ദശലക്ഷം ഡോളര് (ഏകദേശം 10 കോടി രൂപ) ധനസഹായം പ്രഖ്യാപിച്ചു. ഉത്തര്പ്രദേശിലെ ഏകദേശം 15,000 കര്ഷകര്ക്കാണ് ഇതിന്റെ പ്രയോജനം ലഭിക്കുക.സ്ത്രീകളുടെ നേതൃത്വത്തിലുള്ള പത്ത് സ്വയം സുസ്ഥിര എഫ്പിഒകള് (കര്ഷക ഉല്പാദക സംഘടന) സൃഷ്ടിക്കുന്നതിലും വനിതാ കര്ഷകര്ക്ക് അവരുടെ ഉപജീവനമാര്ഗം ശക്തിപ്പെടുത്തുന്നതിനും വൈവിധ്യവല്ക്കരിക്കുന്നതിനുമുള്ള ഒരു പ്ലാറ്റ്ഫോം എന്നിവയില് ശ്രദ്ധ കേന്ദ്രീകരിക്കുന്ന രണ്ട് വര്ഷത്തെ പദ്ധതിയിലാണ് ഗ്രാന്റ് […]
वॉलमार्ट फाउंडेशन ‘ट्रांसफॉर्म रूरल इंडिया फाउंडेशन’ को देगी 12 लाख अमेरिकी डॉलर की आर्थिक सहायता

वॉलमार्ट फाउंडेशन ने ‘ट्रांसफॉर्म रूरल इंडिया फाउंडेशन’ को 12 लाख अमेरिकी डॉलर (करीब 10 करोड़ रुपये) की आर्थिक सहायता देने की घोषणा की। उत्तर प्रदेश में 15,000 महिला ग्रामीण किसानों की औसत आधार आय बढ़ाने व उनकी आजीविका में सुधार करने के लिए इस आर्थिक सहायता का इस्तेमाल किया जाएगा। फाउंडेशन की ओर से जारी […]
Walmart announces $1.2mn grant to Transform Rural India Foundation

A grant from the Walmart Foundation will help develop and demonstrate the institutional model for marginal and women farmers.| Photo Credit: Reuters Walmart Foundation on November 30 announced a grant of $1.2 million (nearly ₹10 crore) to the Transform Rural India Foundation (TRIF) to aid improving livelihoods of 15,000 women rural farmers in Uttar Pradesh […]
वॉलमार्ट फाउंडेशन ‘ट्रांसफॉर्म रूरल इंडिया फाउंडेशन’ को 12 लाख अमेरिकी डॉलर का देगा अनुदान

नयी दिल्ली, 30 नवंबर (भाषा) वॉलमार्ट फाउंडेशन ने ‘ट्रांसफॉर्म रूरल इंडिया फाउंडेशन’ को 12 लाख अमेरिकी डॉलर (करीब 10 करोड़ रुपये) का अनुदान देने की बृहस्पतिवार को घोषणा की। उत्तर प्रदेश में 15,000 महिला ग्रामीण किसानों की औसत आधार आय बढ़ाने व उनकी आजीविका में सुधार करने के लिए इस अनुदान का इस्तेमाल किया जाएगा। […]
She Sold Her Family’s Car To Start A Farmer-producer Company

Working as a supervisor to support her family, Reshamdevi Mallick faced many hurdles – some due to the choice of her life partner – but gained enough confidence to sell her family’s car and start a farmer-producing company. “When the pandemic showed no signs of letting up, my life partner Rajesh Mallick and I shed […]
Walmart announces $1.2mn grant to Transform Rural India Foundation

A grant from the Walmart Foundation will help develop and demonstrate the institutional model for marginal and women farmers. Walmart Foundation on November 30 announced a grant of $1.2 million (nearly ₹10 crore) to the Transform Rural India Foundation (TRIF) to aid improving livelihoods of 15,000 women rural farmers in Uttar Pradesh by increasing their […]
Walmart Basis publicizes USD 1.2 mn grant to Rework Rural India

Walmart Basis on Thursday introduced a grant of USD 1.2 million (practically Rs 10 crore) to the Rework Rural India Basis to help enhancing livelihoods of 15,000 girls rural farmers in Uttar Pradesh by rising their common base revenue. The grant will likely be utilized in a two-year undertaking that may primarily deal with creating […]
Walmart Foundation announces USD 1.2 mn grant to Transform Rural India

Walmart Foundation on Thursday announced a grant of USD 1.2 million (nearly Rs 10 crore) to the Transform Rural India Foundation to aid improving livelihoods of 15,000 women rural farmers in Uttar Pradesh by increasing their average base income. The grant will be used in a two-year project that will primarily focus on creating ten […]
Walmart Foundation announces USD 1.2 mn grant to Transform Rural India

New Delhi: Walmart Foundation on Thursday announced a grant of USD 1.2 million (nearly Rs 10 crore) to the Transform Rural India Foundation to aid improving livelihoods of 15,000 women rural farmers in Uttar Pradesh by increasing their average base income.
Walmart Foundation will give a grant of 12 lakh US dollars to ‘Transform Rural India Foundation’

Walmart Foundation on Thursday announced a grant of US $ 12 lakh (about Rs 10 crore) to ‘Transform Rural India Foundation’. This grant will be used to increase the average base income and improve the livelihood of 15,000 women rural farmers in Uttar Pradesh. According to a statement issued by the foundation, the grant will […]
Walmart Foundation announces USD 1.2 mn grant to Transform Rural India

Walmart Foundation Announces Rs 10 Crore Grant To Transform Rural India

Walmart Foundation on Thursday announced a grant of $1.2 million (nearly Rs 10 crore) to the Transform Rural India Foundation to aid improving livelihoods of 15,000 women rural farmers in Uttar Pradesh by increasing their average base income. The grant will be used in a two-year project that will primarily focus on creating ten self-sustainable […]
Walmart Foundation announces $1.2 Million grant to Transform Rural India

Walmart Foundation on Thursday announced a grant of $1.2 million (nearly ₹10 crore) to the Transform Rural India Foundation to aid improving livelihoods of 15,000 women rural farmers in Uttar Pradesh by increasing their average base income. The grant will be used in a two-year project that will primarily focus on creating ten self-sustainable women-led […]
Walmart Foundation Announces USD 1.2 Mn Grant To Transform Rural India

Walmart Foundation on Thursday announced a grant of USD 1.2 million (nearly Rs 10 crore) to the Transform Rural India Foundation to aid improving livelihoods of 15,000 women rural farmers in Uttar Pradesh by increasing their average base income. The grant will be used in a two-year project that will primarily focus on creating ten […]
‘Transform Rural India Foundation’ को 12 लाख अमेरिकी डॉलर का अनुदान देगा Walmart Foundation

वॉलमार्ट फाउंडेशन ने ‘ट्रांसफॉर्म रूरल इंडिया फाउंडेशन’ को 12 लाख अमेरिकी डॉलर (करीब 10 करोड़ रुपये) का अनुदान देने की बृहस्पतिवार को घोषणा की। उत्तर प्रदेश में 15,000 महिला ग्रामीण किसानों की औसत आधार आय बढ़ाने व उनकी आजीविका में सुधार करने के लिए इस अनुदान का इस्तेमाल किया जाएगा। फाउंडेशन की ओर से जारी […]
Walmart announces $1.2 million grant to Transform Rural India Foundation

On Thursday, the Walmart Foundation disclosed a substantial grant of $1.2 million (approximately Rs 10 crore) to the Transform Rural India Foundation. The funding aims to elevate the livelihoods of 15,000 women rural farmers in Uttar Pradesh by augmenting their average base income. The grant will be allocated to a two-year project, primarily focused on […]
Walmart Foundation announces $1.2 m grant to empower 15,000 women farmers in UP

Walmart Foundation has announced a grant of $1.2 million to the Transform Rural India Foundation (TRIF). The grant is aimed at improving the rural livelihoods of 15,000 women farmers in Uttar Pradesh to increase their average base income. The two-year project will primarily focus on creating 10 self-sustainable women-led FPOs (Farmer Producer Organisations) and a […]
What is the COP28 conference and how will it impact women?

The annual COP conference is almost upon us. This year, COP28 will be taking place in the UAE’s Dubai. After 2021’s conference in Glasgow and last year’s conference in Egypt saw world leaders promising to take drastic steps towards battling climate change, what can we expect from this year’s event? What are the targets we should expect to see being […]
This Jharkhand Homemaker Champions Clean Cooking

Knowing how harmful traditional biomass stoves can be to women’s health, Usha Oraon of Khakhparta village in Lohardaga district of Jharkhand, advocates use of clean cooking. Here is her journey from being a homemaker to a grassroots leader – in her own words. “Despite having a basic education, my life was confined to the four […]
Climate change hits women’s health harder. Activists want leaders to address it at COP28

Manju Devi suffered in pain for two months last year as she worked on a farm near Delhi, unable to break away from duties that sometimes had her standing for hours in the waist-deep water of a rice paddy, lifting heavy loads in intense heat and spraying pesticides and insecticides. When that pain finally became too much […]
Climate change’s disproportionate impact on women and girls

NEW DELHI – Manju Devi suffered in pain for two months last year as she worked on a farm near Delhi, unable to break away from duties that sometimes had her standing for hours in the waist-deep water of a rice paddy, lifting heavy loads in intense heat and spraying pesticides and insecticides. When that pain […]
Climate change hits women’s health harder. Activists want it addressed at COP28

NEW DELHI (AP) — Manju Devi suffered in pain for two months last year as she worked on a farm near Delhi, unable to break away from duties that sometimes had her standing for hours in the waist-deep water of a rice paddy, lifting heavy loads in intense heat and spraying pesticides and insecticides. When […]
Climate change hits women’s health harder. Activists want leaders to address it at COP28

NEW DELHI – Manju Devi suffered in pain for two months last year as she worked on a farm near Delhi, unable to break away from duties that sometimes had her standing for hours in the waist-deep water of a rice paddy, lifting heavy loads in intense heat and spraying pesticides and insecticides. When that pain […]
Climate change hits women’s health harder. Activists want leaders to address it at COP28

NEW DELHI (AP) — Manju Devi suffered in pain for two months last year as she worked on a farm near Delhi, unable to break away from duties that sometimes had her standing for hours in the waist-deep water of a rice paddy, lifting heavy loads in intense heat and spraying pesticides and insecticides. When […]
Climate change hits women’s health harder. Activists want leaders to address it at COP28

NEW DELHI (AP) — Manju Devi suffered in pain for two months last year as she worked on a farm near Delhi, unable to break away from duties that sometimes had her standing for hours in the waist-deep water of a rice paddy, lifting heavy loads in intense heat and spraying pesticides and insecticides. When […]
Climate change hits women’s health harder. Activists want leaders to address it at COP28

NEW DELHI (AP) — Manju Devi suffered in pain for two months last year as she worked on a farm near Delhi, unable to break away from duties that sometimes had her standing for hours in the waist-deep water of a rice paddy, lifting heavy loads in intense heat and spraying pesticides and insecticides. When […]
Cold and sunny for Wednesday with snowy weather for Thursday and Friday

Clear and cold overnight through Wednesday morning, with lows around 20°. Mostly sunny for Wednesday, with a high in the mid 40’s. Snow showers late Wednesday night and Thursday morning. A low temperature around 28°. New snow accumulation of less than a half inch possible. Snow for Thanksgiving Day, with highs in the upper 30’s. […]
Climate change hits women’s health harder. Activists want leaders to address it at COP28

Manju Devi suffered in pain for two months last year as she worked on a farm near Delhi, unable to break away from duties that sometimes had her standing for hours in the waist-deep water of a rice paddy, lifting heavy loads in intense heat and spraying pesticides and insecticides. When that pain finally became […]
Climate change hits women’s health harder. Activists want leaders to address it at COP28

NEW DELHI Manju Devi suffered in pain for two months last year as she worked on a farm near Delhi, unable to break away from duties that sometimes had her standing for hours in the waist-deep water of a rice paddy, lifting heavy loads in intense heat and spraying pesticides and insecticides. When that pain […]
Climate change hits women’s health harder. Activists want leaders to address it at COP28

Manju Devi suffered in pain for two months last year as she worked on a farm near Delhi, unable to break away from duties that sometimes had her standing for hours in the waist-deep water of a rice paddy, lifting heavy loads in intense heat and spraying pesticides and insecticides. When that pain finally became […]
Climate change hits women’s health harder. Activists want leaders to address it at COP28

NEW DELHI Manju Devi suffered in pain for two months last year as she worked on a farm near Delhi, unable to break away from duties that sometimes had her standing for hours in the waist-deep water of a rice paddy, lifting heavy loads in intense heat and spraying pesticides and insecticides. When that pain […]
Climate change hits women’s health harder. Activists want leaders to address it at COP28

New Delhi, Nov 21 (PTI/AP) Manju Devi suffered in pain for two months last year as she worked on a farm near Delhi, unable to break away from duties that sometimes had her standing for hours in the waist-deep water of a rice paddy, lifting heavy loads in intense heat and spraying pesticides and insecticides. […]
Climate change hits women’s health harder. Activists want leaders to address it at COP28

New Delhi, Nov 21 (PTI/AP) Manju Devi suffered in pain for two months last year as she worked on a farm near Delhi, unable to break away from duties that sometimes had her standing for hours in the waist-deep water of a rice paddy, lifting heavy loads in intense heat and spraying pesticides and insecticides. […]
Climate change hits women’s health harder. Activists want leaders to address it at COP28

Manju Devi suffered in pain for two months last year as she worked on a farm near Delhi, unable to break away from duties that sometimes had her standing for hours in the waist-deep water of a rice paddy, lifting heavy loads in intense heat and spraying pesticides and insecticides. When that pain finally became […]
Climate change hits women’s health harder. Activists want leaders to address it at COP28

New Delhi, Nov 21 (PTI/AP) Manju Devi suffered in pain for two months last year as she worked on a farm near Delhi, unable to break away from duties that sometimes had her standing for hours in the waist-deep water of a rice paddy, lifting heavy loads in intense heat and spraying pesticides and insecticides. […]
Climate change hits women’s health harder. Activists want leaders to address it at COP28

NEW DELHI Manju Devi suffered in pain for two months last year as she worked on a farm near Delhi, unable to break away from duties that sometimes had her standing for hours in the waist-deep water of a rice paddy, lifting heavy loads in intense heat and spraying pesticides and insecticides. When that pain […]
Climate change hits women’s health harder. Activists want leaders to address it at COP28

Manju Devi suffered in pain for two months last year as she worked on a farm near Delhi, unable to break away from duties that sometimes had her standing for hours in the waist-deep water of a rice paddy, lifting heavy loads in intense heat and spraying pesticides and insecticides. When that pain finally became […]
Climate change hits women’s health harder. Activists want leaders to address it at COP28

NEW DELHI Manju Devi suffered in pain for two months last year as she worked on a farm near Delhi, unable to break away from duties that sometimes had her standing for hours in the waist-deep water of a rice paddy, lifting heavy loads in intense heat and spraying pesticides and insecticides. When that pain […]
Climate change hits women’s health harder. Activists want leaders to address it at COP28

NEW DELHI (AP) — Manju Devi suffered in pain for two months last year as she worked on a farm near Delhi, unable to break away from duties that sometimes had her standing for hours in the waist-deep water of a rice paddy, lifting heavy loads in intense heat and spraying pesticides and insecticides. When […]
Climate change hits women’s health harder, activists want leaders to address it at COP28

Manju Devi suffered in pain for two months last year as she worked on a farm near Delhi, unable to break away from duties that sometimes had her standing for hours in the waist-deep water of a rice paddy, lifting heavy loads in intense heat and spraying pesticides and insecticides. When that pain finally became […]
Climate change hits women’s health harder. Activists want leaders to address it at COP28

As the annual UN-led climate summit known as COP is set to convene later this month in Dubai, activists are urging policymakers to respond to climate change’s disproportionate impact on women and girls, especially where poverty makes them more vulnerable Manju Devi suffered in pain for two months last year as she worked on a […]
Climate change hits women’s health harder. Activists want leaders to address it at COP28

Manju Devi suffered in pain for two months last year as she worked on a farm near Delhi, unable to break away from duties that sometimes had her standing for hours in the waist-deep water of a rice paddy, lifting heavy loads in intense heat and spraying pesticides and insecticides. When that pain finally became […]
“Climate Change Hits Women’s Health Harder,” Say Activists, Expect World Leaders To Address It At COP28

As the annual UN-led climate summit known as COP is set to convene later this month in Dubai, activists are urging policymakers to respond to climate change’s disproportionate impact on women and girls, especially where poverty makes them more vulnerable Manju Devi suffered in pain for two months last year as she worked on a […]
Climate change hits women’s health harder. Activists want leaders to address it at COP28

NEW DELHI (AP) — Manju Devi suffered in pain for two months last year as she worked on a farm near Delhi, unable to break away from duties that sometimes had her standing for hours in the waist-deep water of a rice paddy, lifting heavy loads in intense heat and spraying pesticides and insecticides. When […]
Climate change hits women’s health harder. Activists want leaders to address it at COP28

NEW DELHI (AP) — Manju Devi suffered in pain for two months last year as she worked on a farm near Delhi, unable to break away from duties that sometimes had her standing for hours in the waist-deep water of a rice paddy, lifting heavy loads in intense heat and spraying pesticides and insecticides. When […]
Climate change hits women’s health harder. Activists want leaders to address it at COP28

NEW DELHI (AP) — Manju Devi suffered in pain for two months last year as she worked on a farm near Delhi, unable to break away from duties that sometimes had her standing for hours in the waist-deep water of a rice paddy, lifting heavy loads in intense heat and spraying pesticides and insecticides. When […]
Climate change hits women’s health harder. Activists want leaders to address it at COP28

NEW DELHI (AP) — Manju Devi suffered in pain for two months last year as she worked on a farm near Delhi, unable to break away from duties that sometimes had her standing for hours in the waist-deep water of a rice paddy, lifting heavy loads in intense heat and spraying pesticides and insecticides. When […]
Climate change hits women’s health harder. Activists want leaders to address it at COP28

Manju Devi suffered in pain for two months last year as she worked on a farm near Delhi, unable to break away from duties that sometimes had her standing for hours in the waist-deep water of a rice paddy, lifting heavy loads in intense heat and spraying pesticides and insecticides. When that pain finally became […]
Climate summit to meet in Dubai. Why women’s safety is at the center.

Manju Devi suffered for two months last year as she worked on a farm near Delhi, unable to break away from duties that sometimes had her standing for hours in the waist-deep water of a rice paddy, lifting heavy loads in intense heat, and spraying pesticides and insecticides. When that pain finally became too much […]
Climate change hits women’s health harder. Activists want leaders to address it at COP28

Manju Devi suffered in pain for two months last year as she worked on a farm near Delhi, unable to break away from duties that sometimes had her standing for hours in the waist-deep water of a rice paddy, lifting heavy loads in intense heat and spraying pesticides and insecticides. When that pain finally became […]
Activists want leaders to address climate change/women’s health at COP28

NEW DELHI (AP) — Manju Devi suffered in pain for two months last year as she worked on a farm near Delhi, unable to break away from duties that sometimes had her standing for hours in the waist-deep water of a rice paddy, lifting heavy loads in intense heat and spraying pesticides and insecticides. When […]
Climate change hits women’s health harder. Activists want leaders to address it at COP28

Manju Devi suffered in pain for two months last year as she worked on a farm near Delhi, unable to break away from duties that sometimes had her standing for hours in the waist-deep water of a rice paddy, lifting heavy loads in intense heat and spraying pesticides and insecticides. When that pain finally became […]
Climate change hits women’s health harder. Activists want leaders to address it at COP28

Manju Devi suffered in pain for two months last year as she worked on a farm near Delhi, unable to break away from duties that sometimes had her standing for hours in the waist-deep water of a rice paddy, lifting heavy loads in intense heat and spraying pesticides and insecticides. When that pain finally became […]
Climate change hits women’s health harder. Activists want leaders to address it at COP28

NEW DELHI – Manju Devi suffered in pain for two months last year as she worked on a farm near Delhi, unable to break away from duties that sometimes had her standing for hours in the waist-deep water of a rice paddy, lifting heavy loads in intense heat and spraying pesticides and insecticides. When that pain […]
Climate change hits women’s health harder. Activists want leaders to address it at COP28

NEW DELHI – Manju Devi suffered in pain for two months last year as she worked on a farm near Delhi, unable to break away from duties that sometimes had her standing for hours in the waist-deep water of a rice paddy, lifting heavy loads in intense heat and spraying pesticides and insecticides. When that pain […]
Climate change hits women’s health harder. Activists want leaders to address it at COP28

NEW DELHI (AP) — Manju Devi suffered in pain for two months last year as she worked on a farm near Delhi, unable to break away from duties that sometimes had her standing for hours in the waist-deep water of a rice paddy, lifting heavy loads in intense heat and spraying pesticides and insecticides. When […]
Climate Change Hits Women’s Health Harder. Activists Want Leaders to Address It at COP28

Manju Devi suffered in pain for two months last year as she worked on a farm near Delhi, unable to break away from duties that sometimes had her standing for hours in the waist-deep water of a rice paddy, lifting heavy loads in intense heat and spraying pesticides and insecticides. When that pain finally became too […]
Climate change hits women’s health harder. Activists want leaders to address it at COP28

With the annual U.N.-led climate summit known as COP to convene later this month in Dubai, activists are urging policymakers to respond to climate change’s disproportionate impact on women and girls Manju Devi suffered in pain for two months last year as she worked on a farm near Delhi, unable to break away from duties that […]
Climate change hits women’s health harder. Activists want leaders to address it at COP28

NEW DELHI (AP) — Manju Devi suffered in pain for two months last year as she worked on a farm near Delhi, unable to break away from duties that sometimes had her standing for hours in the waist-deep water of a rice paddy, lifting heavy loads in intense heat and spraying pesticides and insecticides. When […]
Climate change hits women’s health harder. Activists want leaders to address it at COP28

NEW DELHI — Manju Devi suffered in pain for two months last year as she worked on a farm near Delhi, unable to break away from duties that sometimes had her standing for hours in the waist-deep water of a rice paddy, lifting heavy loads in intense heat and spraying pesticides and insecticides. When that […]
Climate change hits women’s health harder. Activists want leaders to address it at COP28

NEW DELHI (AP) — Manju Devi suffered in pain for two months last year as she worked on a farm near Delhi, unable to break away from duties that sometimes had her standing for hours in the waist-deep water of a rice paddy, lifting heavy loads in intense heat and spraying pesticides and insecticides. When […]
Climate change hits women’s health harder. Activists want leaders to address it at COP28

NEW DELHI (AP) — Manju Devi suffered in pain for two months last year as she worked on a farm near Delhi, unable to break away from duties that sometimes had her standing for hours in the waist-deep water of a rice paddy, lifting heavy loads in intense heat and spraying pesticides and insecticides. When […]
Climate change hits women’s health harder. Activists want leaders to address it at COP28

NEW DELHI (AP) — Manju Devi suffered in pain for two months last year as she worked on a farm near Delhi, unable to break away from duties that sometimes had her standing for hours in the waist-deep water of a rice paddy, lifting heavy loads in intense heat and spraying pesticides and insecticides. When […]
Climate change hits women’s health harder. Activists want leaders to address it at COP28

NEW DELHI (AP) — Manju Devi suffered in pain for two months last year as she worked on a farm near Delhi, unable to break away from duties that sometimes had her standing for hours in the waist-deep water of a rice paddy, lifting heavy loads in intense heat and spraying pesticides and insecticides. When […]
Climate change hits women’s health harder. Activists want leaders to address it at COP28

NEW DELHI (AP) — Manju Devi suffered in pain for two months last year as she worked on a farm near Delhi, unable to break away from duties that sometimes had her standing for hours in the waist-deep water of a rice paddy, lifting heavy loads in intense heat and spraying pesticides and insecticides. When […]
Climate change hits women’s health harder. Activists want leaders to address it at COP28

NEW DELHI (AP) — Manju Devi suffered in pain for two months last year as she worked on a farm near Delhi, unable to break away from duties that sometimes had her standing for hours in the waist-deep water of a rice paddy, lifting heavy loads in intense heat and spraying pesticides and insecticides. When […]
Climate change hits women’s health harder. Activists want leaders to address it at COP28

NEW DELHI (AP) — Manju Devi suffered in pain for two months last year as she worked on a farm near Delhi, unable to break away from duties that sometimes had her standing for hours in the waist-deep water of a rice paddy, lifting heavy loads in intense heat and spraying pesticides and insecticides. When […]
Climate change hits women’s health harder. Activists want leaders to address it at COP28

NEW DELHI (AP) — Manju Devi suffered in pain for two months last year as she worked on a farm near Delhi, unable to break away from duties that sometimes had her standing for hours in the waist-deep water of a rice paddy, lifting heavy loads in intense heat and spraying pesticides and insecticides. When […]
Climate change hits women’s health harder. Activists want leaders to address it at COP28

NEW DELHI (AP) — Manju Devi suffered in pain for two months last year as she worked on a farm near Delhi, unable to break away from duties that sometimes had her standing for hours in the waist-deep water of a rice paddy, lifting heavy loads in intense heat and spraying pesticides and insecticides. When […]
Climate change hits women’s health harder. Activists want leaders to address it at COP28

NEW DELHI (AP) — Manju Devi suffered in pain for two months last year as she worked on a farm near Delhi, unable to break away from duties that sometimes had her standing for hours in the waist-deep water of a rice paddy, lifting heavy loads in intense heat and spraying pesticides and insecticides. When […]
Climate change hits women’s health harder. Activists want leaders to address it at COP28

NEW DELHI (AP) — Manju Devi suffered in pain for two months last year as she worked on a farm near Delhi, unable to break away from duties that sometimes had her standing for hours in the waist-deep water of a rice paddy, lifting heavy loads in intense heat and spraying pesticides and insecticides. When […]
Climate change hits women’s health harder. Activists want leaders to address it at COP28

NEW DELHI (AP) — Manju Devi suffered in pain for two months last year as she worked on a farm near Delhi, unable to break away from duties that sometimes had her standing for hours in the waist-deep water of a rice paddy, lifting heavy loads in intense heat and spraying pesticides and insecticides. When […]
Climate change hits women’s health harder. Activists want leaders to address it at COP28

NEW DELHI — Manju Devi suffered in pain for two months last year as she worked on a farm near Delhi, unable to break away from duties that sometimes had her standing for hours in the waist-deep water of a rice paddy, lifting heavy loads in intense heat and spraying pesticides and insecticides. When that […]
Climate Change Hits Women’s Health Harder. Activists Want Leaders to Address It at COP28

With the annual U.N.-led climate summit known as COP to convene later this month in Dubai, activists are urging policymakers to respond to climate change’s disproportionate impact on women and girls Manju Devi suffered in pain for two months last year as she worked on a farm near Delhi, unable to break away from duties […]
Climate change hits women’s health harder. Activists want leaders to address it at COP28

NEW DELHI (AP) — Manju Devi suffered in pain for two months last year as she worked on a farm near Delhi, unable to break away from duties that sometimes had her standing for hours in the waist-deep water of a rice paddy, lifting heavy loads in intense heat and spraying pesticides and insecticides. When […]
Climate change hits women’s health harder. Activists want leaders to address it at COP28

NEW DELHI – Manju Devi suffered in pain for two months last year as she worked on a farm near Delhi, unable to break away from duties that sometimes had her standing for hours in the waist-deep water of a rice paddy, lifting heavy loads in intense heat and spraying pesticides and insecticides. When that pain […]
Climate change hits women’s health harder. Activists want leaders to address it at COP28

NEW DELHI – Manju Devi suffered in pain for two months last year as she worked on a farm near Delhi, unable to break away from duties that sometimes had her standing for hours in the waist-deep water of a rice paddy, lifting heavy loads in intense heat and spraying pesticides and insecticides. When that pain […]
Climate change hits women’s health harder. Activists want leaders to address it at COP28

NEW DELHI — (AP) — Manju Devi suffered in pain for two months last year as she worked on a farm near Delhi, unable to break away from duties that sometimes had her standing for hours in the waist-deep water of a rice paddy, lifting heavy loads in intense heat and spraying pesticides and insecticides. […]
Climate change hits women’s health harder. Activists want leaders to address it at COP28

NEW DELHI – Manju Devi suffered in pain for two months last year as she worked on a farm near Delhi, unable to break away from duties that sometimes had her standing for hours in the waist-deep water of a rice paddy, lifting heavy loads in intense heat and spraying pesticides and insecticides. When that pain […]
Climate change hits women’s health harder. Activists want leaders to address it at COP28

NEW DELHI – Manju Devi suffered in pain for two months last year as she worked on a farm near Delhi, unable to break away from duties that sometimes had her standing for hours in the waist-deep water of a rice paddy, lifting heavy loads in intense heat and spraying pesticides and insecticides. When that pain […]
Climate change hits women’s health harder. Activists want leaders to address it at COP28

NEW DELHI (AP) — Manju Devi suffered in pain for two months last year as she worked on a farm near Delhi, unable to break away from duties that sometimes had her standing for hours in the waist-deep water of a rice paddy, lifting heavy loads in intense heat and spraying pesticides and insecticides. When […]
Climate change hits women’s health harder. Activists want leaders to address it at COP28

NEW DELHI (AP) — Manju Devi suffered in pain for two months last year as she worked on a farm near Delhi, unable to break away from duties that sometimes had her standing for hours in the waist-deep water of a rice paddy, lifting heavy loads in intense heat and spraying pesticides and insecticides. When […]
Climate change hits women’s health harder. Activists want leaders to address it at COP28

NEW DELHI (AP) — Manju Devi suffered in pain for two months last year as she worked on a farm near Delhi, unable to break away from duties that sometimes had her standing for hours in the waist-deep water of a rice paddy, lifting heavy loads in intense heat and spraying pesticides and insecticides. When […]
Climate change hits women’s health harder. Activists want leaders to address it at COP28

NEW DELHI (AP) — Manju Devi suffered in pain for two months last year as she worked on a farm near Delhi, unable to break away from duties that sometimes had her standing for hours in the waist-deep water of a rice paddy, lifting heavy loads in intense heat and spraying pesticides and insecticides. When […]
Climate change hits women’s health harder. Activists want leaders to address it at COP28

NEW DELHI (AP) — Manju Devi suffered in pain for two months last year as she worked on a farm near Delhi, unable to break away from duties that sometimes had her standing for hours in the waist-deep water of a rice paddy, lifting heavy loads in intense heat and spraying pesticides and insecticides. When […]
Climate change hits women’s health harder. Activists want leaders to address it at COP28

NEW DELHI (AP) — Manju Devi suffered in pain for two months last year as she worked on a farm near Delhi, unable to break away from duties that sometimes had her standing for hours in the waist-deep water of a rice paddy, lifting heavy loads in intense heat and spraying pesticides and insecticides. When […]
Climate change hits women’s health harder. Activists want leaders to address it at COP28

NEW DELHI — (AP) — Manju Devi suffered in pain for two months last year as she worked on a farm near Delhi, unable to break away from duties that sometimes had her standing for hours in the waist-deep water of a rice paddy, lifting heavy loads in intense heat and spraying pesticides and insecticides. […]
Climate change hits women’s health harder. Activists want leaders to address it at COP28

NEW DELHI (AP) — Manju Devi suffered in pain for two months last year as she worked on a farm near Delhi, unable to break away from duties that sometimes had her standing for hours in the waist-deep water of a rice paddy, lifting heavy loads in intense heat and spraying pesticides and insecticides. When […]
Climate change hits women’s health harder. Activists want leaders to address it at COP28

NEW DELHI (AP) — Manju Devi suffered in pain for two months last year as she worked on a farm near Delhi, unable to break away from duties that sometimes had her standing for hours in the waist-deep water of a rice paddy, lifting heavy loads in intense heat and spraying pesticides and insecticides. When […]
Climate change hits women’s health harder. Activists want leaders to address it at COP28

NEW DELHI (AP) — Manju Devi suffered in pain for two months last year as she worked on a farm near Delhi, unable to break away from duties that sometimes had her standing for hours in the waist-deep water of a rice paddy, lifting heavy loads in intense heat and spraying pesticides and insecticides. When […]
Climate change hits women’s health harder. Activists want leaders to address it at COP28

NEW DELHI (AP) — Manju Devi suffered in pain for two months last year as she worked on a farm near Delhi, unable to break away from duties that sometimes had her standing for hours in the waist-deep water of a rice paddy, lifting heavy loads in intense heat and spraying pesticides and insecticides. When […]
Climate change hits women’s health harder. Activists want leaders to address it at COP28

NEW DELHI (AP) — Manju Devi suffered in pain for two months last year as she worked on a farm near Delhi, unable to break away from duties that sometimes had her standing for hours in the waist-deep water of a rice paddy, lifting heavy loads in intense heat and spraying pesticides and insecticides. When […]
Climate change hits women’s health harder. Activists want leaders to address it at COP28

NEW DELHI (AP) — Manju Devi suffered in pain for two months last year as she worked on a farm near Delhi, unable to break away from duties that sometimes had her standing for hours in the waist-deep water of a rice paddy, lifting heavy loads in intense heat and spraying pesticides and insecticides. When […]
Climate change hits women’s health harder. Activists want leaders to address it at COP28

NEW DELHI (AP) — Manju Devi suffered in pain for two months last year as she worked on a farm near Delhi, unable to break away from duties that sometimes had her standing for hours in the waist-deep water of a rice paddy, lifting heavy loads in intense heat and spraying pesticides and insecticides. When […]
Climate change hits women’s health harder. Activists want leaders to address it at COP28

NEW DELHI — (AP) — Manju Devi suffered in pain for two months last year as she worked on a farm near Delhi, unable to break away from duties that sometimes had her standing for hours in the waist-deep water of a rice paddy, lifting heavy loads in intense heat and spraying pesticides and insecticides. […]
Climate change hits women’s health harder. Activists want leaders to address it at COP28

NEW DELHI (AP) — Manju Devi suffered in pain for two months last year as she worked on a farm near Delhi, unable to break away from duties that sometimes had her standing for hours in the waist-deep water of a rice paddy, lifting heavy loads in intense heat and spraying pesticides and insecticides. When […]
Climate change hits women’s health harder. Activists want leaders to address it at COP28

NEW DELHI (AP) — Manju Devi suffered in pain for two months last year as she worked on a farm near Delhi, unable to break away from duties that sometimes had her standing for hours in the waist-deep water of a rice paddy, lifting heavy loads in intense heat and spraying pesticides and insecticides. When […]
Climate change hits women’s health harder. Activists want leaders to address it at COP28

NEW DELHI (AP) — Manju Devi suffered in pain for two months last year as she worked on a farm near Delhi, unable to break away from duties that sometimes had her standing for hours in the waist-deep water of a rice paddy, lifting heavy loads in intense heat and spraying pesticides and insecticides. When […]
Climate change hits women’s health harder. Activists want leaders to address it at COP28

NEW DELHI — (AP) — Manju Devi suffered in pain for two months last year as she worked on a farm near Delhi, unable to break away from duties that sometimes had her standing for hours in the waist-deep water of a rice paddy, lifting heavy loads in intense heat and spraying pesticides and insecticides. […]
Climate change hits women’s health harder. Activists want leaders to address it at COP28

NEW DELHI (AP) — Manju Devi suffered in pain for two months last year as she worked on a farm near Delhi, unable to break away from duties that sometimes had her standing for hours in the waist-deep water of a rice paddy, lifting heavy loads in intense heat and spraying pesticides and insecticides. When […]
Climate change hits women’s health harder. Activists want leaders to address it at COP28

NEW DELHI – Manju Devi suffered in pain for two months last year as she worked on a farm near Delhi, unable to break away from duties that sometimes had her standing for hours in the waist-deep water of a rice paddy, lifting heavy loads in intense heat and spraying pesticides and insecticides. When that pain […]
Climate change hits women’s health harder. Activists want leaders to address it at COP28

NEW DELHI (AP) — Manju Devi suffered in pain for two months last year as she worked on a farm near Delhi, unable to break away from duties that sometimes had her standing for hours in the waist-deep water of a rice paddy, lifting heavy loads in intense heat and spraying pesticides and insecticides. When […]
Climate change hits women’s health harder. Activists want leaders to address it at COP28

With the annual U.N.-led climate summit known as COP to convene later this month in Dubai, activists are urging policymakers to respond to climate change’s disproportionate impact on women and girls
Climate change hits women’s health harder. Activists want leaders to address it at COP28

NEW DELHI (AP) — Manju Devi suffered in pain for two months last year as she worked on a farm near Delhi, unable to break away from duties that sometimes had her standing for hours in the waist-deep water of a rice paddy, lifting heavy loads in intense heat and spraying pesticides and insecticides. When […]
Climate change hits women’s health harder. Activists want leaders to address it at COP28

NEW DELHI (AP) — Manju Devi suffered in pain for two months last year as she worked on a farm near Delhi, unable to break away from duties that sometimes had her standing for hours in the waist-deep water of a rice paddy, lifting heavy loads in intense heat and spraying pesticides and insecticides. When […]
Climate change hits women’s health harder. Activists want leaders to address it at COP28

NEW DELHI (AP) — Manju Devi suffered in pain for two months last year as she worked on a farm near Delhi, unable to break away from duties that sometimes had her standing for hours in the waist-deep water of a rice paddy, lifting heavy loads in intense heat and spraying pesticides and insecticides. When […]
Climate change hits women’s health harder. Activists want leaders to address it at COP28

NEW DELHI (AP) — Manju Devi suffered in pain for two months last year as she worked on a farm near Delhi, unable to break away from duties that sometimes had her standing for hours in the waist-deep water of a rice paddy, lifting heavy loads in intense heat and spraying pesticides and insecticides. When […]
Climate change hits women’s health harder. Activists want leaders to address it at COP28

NEW DELHI (AP) — Manju Devi suffered in pain for two months last year as she worked on a farm near Delhi, unable to break away from duties that sometimes had her standing for hours in the waist-deep water of a rice paddy, lifting heavy loads in intense heat and spraying pesticides and insecticides. When […]
Climate change hits women’s health harder. Activists want leaders to address it at COP28

NEW DELHI (AP) — Manju Devi suffered in pain for two months last year as she worked on a farm near Delhi, unable to break away from duties that sometimes had her standing for hours in the waist-deep water of a rice paddy, lifting heavy loads in intense heat and spraying pesticides and insecticides. When […]
Climate change hits women’s health harder. Activists want leaders to address it at COP28

NEW DELHI (AP) — Manju Devi suffered in pain for two months last year as she worked on a farm near Delhi, unable to break away from duties that sometimes had her standing for hours in the waist-deep water of a rice paddy, lifting heavy loads in intense heat and spraying pesticides and insecticides. When […]
Climate change hits women’s health harder. Activists want leaders to address it at COP28

NEW DELHI (AP) — Manju Devi suffered in pain for two months last year as she worked on a farm near Delhi, unable to break away from duties that sometimes had her standing for hours in the waist-deep water of a rice paddy, lifting heavy loads in intense heat and spraying pesticides and insecticides. When […]
Climate change hits women’s health harder. Activists want leaders to address it at COP28

NEW DELHI (AP) — Manju Devi suffered in pain for two months last year as she worked on a farm near Delhi, unable to break away from duties that sometimes had her standing for hours in the waist-deep water of a rice paddy, lifting heavy loads in intense heat and spraying pesticides and insecticides. When […]
Climate change hits women’s health harder. Activists want leaders to address it at COP28

NEW DELHI (AP) — Manju Devi suffered in pain for two months last year as she worked on a farm near Delhi, unable to break away from duties that sometimes had her standing for hours in the waist-deep water of a rice paddy, lifting heavy loads in intense heat and spraying pesticides and insecticides. When […]
Climate change hits women’s health harder. Activists want leaders to address it at COP28

NEW DELHI (AP) — Manju Devi suffered in pain for two months last year as she worked on a farm near Delhi, unable to break away from duties that sometimes had her standing for hours in the waist-deep water of a rice paddy, lifting heavy loads in intense heat and spraying pesticides and insecticides. When […]
Climate change hits women’s health harder. Activists want leaders to address it at COP28

NEW DELHI (AP) — Manju Devi suffered in pain for two months last year as she worked on a farm near Delhi, unable to break away from duties that sometimes had her standing for hours in the waist-deep water of a rice paddy, lifting heavy loads in intense heat and spraying pesticides and insecticides. When […]
Climate change hits women’s health harder. Activists want leaders to address it at COP28

NEW DELHI (AP) — Manju Devi suffered in pain for two months last year as she worked on a farm near Delhi, unable to break away from duties that sometimes had her standing for hours in the waist-deep water of a rice paddy, lifting heavy loads in intense heat and spraying pesticides and insecticides. When […]
Climate change hits women’s health harder. Activists want leaders to address it at COP28

NEW DELHI (AP) — Manju Devi suffered in pain for two months last year as she worked on a farm near Delhi, unable to break away from duties that sometimes had her standing for hours in the waist-deep water of a rice paddy, lifting heavy loads in intense heat and spraying pesticides and insecticides. When […]
Climate change hits women’s health harder. Activists want leaders to address it at COP28

NEW DELHI (AP) — Manju Devi suffered in pain for two months last year as she worked on a farm near Delhi, unable to break away from duties that sometimes had her standing for hours in the waist-deep water of a rice paddy, lifting heavy loads in intense heat and spraying pesticides and insecticides. When […]
Climate change hits women’s health harder. Activists want leaders to address it at COP28

NEW DELHI (AP) — Manju Devi suffered in pain for two months last year as she worked on a farm near Delhi, unable to break away from duties that sometimes had her standing for hours in the waist-deep water of a rice paddy, lifting heavy loads in intense heat and spraying pesticides and insecticides. When […]
Climate change hits women’s health harder. Activists want leaders to address it at COP28

NEW DELHI (AP) — Manju Devi suffered in pain for two months last year as she worked on a farm near Delhi, unable to break away from duties that sometimes had her standing for hours in the waist-deep water of a rice paddy, lifting heavy loads in intense heat and spraying pesticides and insecticides. When […]
Climate change hits women’s health harder. Activists want leaders to address it at COP28

NEW DELHI (AP) — Manju Devi suffered in pain for two months last year as she worked on a farm near Delhi, unable to break away from duties that sometimes had her standing for hours in the waist-deep water of a rice paddy, lifting heavy loads in intense heat and spraying pesticides and insecticides. When […]
Climate change hits women’s health harder. Activists want leaders to address it at COP28

NEW DELHI (AP) — Manju Devi suffered in pain for two months last year as she worked on a farm near Delhi, unable to break away from duties that sometimes had her standing for hours in the waist-deep water of a rice paddy, lifting heavy loads in intense heat and spraying pesticides and insecticides. When […]
Climate change hits women’s health harder. Activists want leaders to address it at COP28

NEW DELHI (AP) — Manju Devi suffered in pain for two months last year as she worked on a farm near Delhi, unable to break away from duties that sometimes had her standing for hours in the waist-deep water of a rice paddy, lifting heavy loads in intense heat and spraying pesticides and insecticides. When […]
Climate change hits women’s health harder. Activists want leaders to address it at COP28

NEW DELHI (AP) — Manju Devi suffered in pain for two months last year as she worked on a farm near Delhi, unable to break away from duties that sometimes had her standing for hours in the waist-deep water of a rice paddy, lifting heavy loads in intense heat and spraying pesticides and insecticides. When […]
Climate change hits women’s health harder. Activists want leaders to address it at COP28

NEW DELHI (AP) — Manju Devi suffered in pain for two months last year as she worked on a farm near Delhi, unable to break away from duties that sometimes had her standing for hours in the waist-deep water of a rice paddy, lifting heavy loads in intense heat and spraying pesticides and insecticides. When […]
Climate change hits women’s health harder. Activists want leaders to address it at COP28

NEW DELHI (AP) — Manju Devi suffered in pain for two months last year as she worked on a farm near Delhi, unable to break away from duties that sometimes had her standing for hours in the waist-deep water of a rice paddy, lifting heavy loads in intense heat and spraying pesticides and insecticides. When […]
Climate change hits women’s health harder. Activists want leaders to address it at COP28

NEW DELHI (AP) — Manju Devi suffered in pain for two months last year as she worked on a farm near Delhi, unable to break away from duties that sometimes had her standing for hours in the waist-deep water of a rice paddy, lifting heavy loads in intense heat and spraying pesticides and insecticides. When […]
Climate change hits women’s health harder. Activists want leaders to address it at COP28

NEW DELHI (AP) — Manju Devi suffered in pain for two months last year as she worked on a farm near Delhi, unable to break away from duties that sometimes had her standing for hours in the waist-deep water of a rice paddy, lifting heavy loads in intense heat and spraying pesticides and insecticides. When […]
Climate change hits women’s health harder. Activists want leaders to address it at COP28

NEW DELHI (AP) — Manju Devi suffered in pain for two months last year as she worked on a farm near Delhi, unable to break away from duties that sometimes had her standing for hours in the waist-deep water of a rice paddy, lifting heavy loads in intense heat and spraying pesticides and insecticides. When […]
Climate change hits women’s health harder. Activists want leaders to address it at COP28

NEW DELHI (AP) — Manju Devi suffered in pain for two months last year as she worked on a farm near Delhi, unable to break away from duties that sometimes had her standing for hours in the waist-deep water of a rice paddy, lifting heavy loads in intense heat and spraying pesticides and insecticides. When […]
Climate change hits women’s health harder. Activists want leaders to address it at COP28

NEW DELHI (AP) — Manju Devi suffered in pain for two months last year as she worked on a farm near Delhi, unable to break away from duties that sometimes had her standing for hours in the waist-deep water of a rice paddy, lifting heavy loads in intense heat and spraying pesticides and insecticides. When […]
Climate change hits women’s health harder. Activists want leaders to address it at COP28

NEW DELHI (AP) — Manju Devi suffered in pain for two months last year as she worked on a farm near Delhi, unable to break away from duties that sometimes had her standing for hours in the waist-deep water of a rice paddy, lifting heavy loads in intense heat and spraying pesticides and insecticides. When […]
Climate change hits women’s health harder. Activists want leaders to address it at COP28

NEW DELHI — (AP) — Manju Devi suffered in pain for two months last year as she worked on a farm near Delhi, unable to break away from duties that sometimes had her standing for hours in the waist-deep water of a rice paddy, lifting heavy loads in intense heat and spraying pesticides and insecticides. […]